Basically where, after the evening meal, you hang out at the table to socialise and wind down, usually drinking coffee.
Literally "ditch water"
Figuratively coffee that is so weak it looks like such.
zuip = sip
avond = evening
-je = little
little ( sip + evening )
A night of drinking
gebakken peren
Literally "baked pears"
Figuratively "consequences"
als een drol in een pispot ronddraaien
Literally "like a turd spinning around in urinal"
being indecisive
als een ketter
"β¦like a heretic"
Used like "swearing like a sailor"
anderhalve man en een paardenkop
"One and a half men and a horse's head"
The Dutch equivalent of "(just) a man and a dog"
een zondagssteek / houdt geen week
(it rhymes)
Literally "a Sunday-stitch lasts not a week" or in other words "sewing done on Sunday doesn't last"
Figuratively "there's no benefit to working on the Lord's day"
het huishouden van Jan Steen
Literally: "the household of Jan Steen"
Figuratively: a messy, chaotic scene.
Growing up, my dad would call our family this to poke fun at whatever chaos was going on at the moment and it was years before I finally looked up Jan Steen's art. The - Rijksmuseum has a nice little video about it.
opgestaan: plaatsje vergaan
or opgestaan is plaats vergaan
(it rhymes)
Literally "(you) stood up: (your) spot is gone"
wat je zegt ben jezelf
"what you say you are yourself"
Used towards someone who is calling out someone for doing the same wrong thing they do.