My Bucket List
Inspired by Dustin Curtis, I've started writing out a bucket list.
This is a living, mostly unordered, and definitely incomplete list.
- Go
- Visit every continent
North America 1991
- South America
Europe 1993
Africa 2014
- Antartica
- Oceania
- Go to space
- Travel across the Pacific or Atlantic ocean by boat
Spend 24 hours without setting foot on solid ground 2006
- Spend 24 hours above the surface of the earth
- Swim in the major oceans
Indian 2014
- Arctic
Skydive 2013
- Fly in a lighter-than-air craft
- Make
- Make my own cheese
- Design my own home
- Brew my own wine
Brew my own beer 2021
- Have
- Own something worth 100 times it's purchase price or original value
Own gold 2014
Own land
- See
- Hear aurora noise
- Observe a day with no sunset and/or sunrise
- Witness something that is a myth or unprovable by science
- Live to see my great-grandchildren
- Buy a round of drinks for an entire bar
- Donate the majority of a year's production to charity
- Meet a head of state
- Become a licensed ham radio operator
I am: Levi, a dude named ben living north of most Canadians
This is: my digital garden where everything is a working draft
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